World Headed For 2.7° C Warming, Finance Deal Key: UN Climate Head

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The United Nations Climate head Simon Stiell has warned that the world is headed for 2.7 degrees Celsius warming, and the road to keeping it to 1.5 degrees Celsius is extremely steep. He was speaking at the Bonn Climate Change Conference in Germany on Monday. Mr. Stiell said that without UN-convened international cooperation, people would be headed for global heating, which most of humanity likely could not survive. The Bonn meeting from June 3 to 13 is known as halfway to the annual climate summit, also known as the 29th Conference of Parties, or COP29. It is expected to set the agenda for climate negotiations this year and will open discussions on a new finance goal to replace the existing goal of 100 billion dollars per year. The new finance goal is meant to channel greater funds toward urgently needed climate action in developing countries.

Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).

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