MoS Railways Ravneet Singh Conducts High-Level Review Meeting With Railway Board Members

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Minister of State for Railways, Ravneet Singh conducted high level review meeting with Railway Board members in New Delhi. During the meeting, he urged the officials to work collectively as a team to realize the vision of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and transform Indian Railways into one of the best Railways in the world. Mr Singh also emphasized that Railways is a convenient mode of transport for the common people and Indian Railways should make all efforts to cater to all classes especially poor. During the meeting, the Railway Board Members presented a brief overview of Railways and apprised the Minister about various ongoing activities across Indian Railways. 

Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).

Rajendra Sen

Rajendra Sen is passionate about uncovering the stories that matter. As an award-winning journalist, defense expert, and dedicated social worker, he brings a compassionate and informed voice to his work.