INDI Alliance Failed To Strike Chord With Voters, Says PM Modi

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Prime Minister and senior BJP leader Narendra Modi has said that the opportunistic INDI Alliance failed to strike a chord with the voters. He alleged that they are casteist, communal and corrupt. He said, this alliance, aimed to protect a handful of dynasties, failed to present a futuristic vision for the nation. Mr Modi said through the campaign, they only enhanced their expertise on one thing – Modi bashing. He said, such regressive politics has been rejected by the people.

Disclaimer: This press release is sourced from News On AIR, Prasar Bharti and Press Information Bureau India (PIB).

Rajendra Sen

Rajendra Sen is passionate about uncovering the stories that matter. As an award-winning journalist, defense expert, and dedicated social worker, he brings a compassionate and informed voice to his work.